Exams Administered in 2024
Managed by NCCAA - 100% Mobile App
# of Total Exams
# of Total Cert Exams
# Total of CDQ Exams
Managed by NCCAA - 100% Mobile App
# of Total Exams
# of Total Cert Exams
# Total of CDQ Exams
Certification Exam
Total # of Students
Total # of Programs
Average Passing Rate
CDQ Exam
Total # of CAAs
Avg. New CAAs Each Year
Average Passing Rate
Number of CAAs and Students by State Self-Reported Residence Only | ||
State | CAAs | Students |
Alabama | 35 | 3 |
Alaska | ||
Arizona | 2 | |
Arkansas | ||
California | 6 | 1 |
Colorado | 153 | 13 |
Connecticut | 3 | |
Delaware | ||
District of Columbia | 60 | |
Florida | 769 | 33 |
Georgia | 1,206 | 56 |
Hawaii | ||
Idaho | 2 | |
Illinois | 15 | 4 |
Indiana | 91 | 17 |
Iowa | 1 | |
Kansas | 29 | 1 |
Kentucky | 20 | |
Louisiana | 1 | |
Maine | ||
Maryland | 35 | |
Massachusetts | ||
Michigan | 42 | 1 |
Minnesota | 4 | 1 |
Missisipi | ||
Missouri | 165 | 3 |
Montana | ||
Nebraska | ||
Nevada | 2 | |
New Hampshire | 1 | |
New Jersey | 1 | |
New Mexico | ||
New York | 9 | 2 |
North Carolina | 64 | 2 |
North Dakota | ||
Ohio | 342 | 23 |
Oklahoma | 23 | 1 |
Oregon | 1 | |
Pennsylvania | 4 | 2 |
Rhode Island | ||
South Carolina | 54 | 3 |
South Dakota | 1 | |
Tenessee | 3 | |
Texas | 336 | 16 |
Utah | 5 | |
Vermont | 23 | |
Virginia | 34 | 4 |
Washington | 3 | |
West Virginia | 1 | |
Wisconsin | 153 | 21 |
Wyoming |
If you are not a US citizen and have completed training in anesthesia outside the United States, you are not eligible to sit for the Certification exam to become a Certified Anesthesiologist Assistant (CAA) without graduating from an accredited university.
Regardless of your prior training or experience in another country, all candidates—both non-US citizens and US citizens—must meet this requirement. The NCCAA maintains this standard to ensure all candidates have received education and training that meets the specific criteria established by Cahep for anesthesia education programs in the United States.
If you do not pass the Certification exam:
If you do not pass the Continuing Demonstration of Qualifications (CDQ) exam:
If you encounter an issue at the exam site:
To cancel or reschedule your exam:
Note: Failing to bring the required photo identification or incorrectly recording the exam date, time, or location is not considered an emergency.
Here are the steps to change your address or name in the app:
Visit the Exam Development Opportunities page click here.
Visit the Board of Commissioners page click here.
Due date for odd year cycle is . Due date for even year cycle is
Note: the 2026 exam date are subject to change. Students are permitted 6 attempts within a 2-year period after graduation.
Note: the 2026 exam date are subject to change. CAA’s are required to take the CDQ Exam first after 4 years, and then every 10 years thereafter.